VaxHub Platform Funding


A key element of both VaxHub Sustainable and VaxHub Global is the Platform Funding, which enables VaxHub Members and academic partners to apply for funds to deliver projects that align with and contribute to the VaxHub themes.

There will be three Funding Calls for VaxHub Global and three for VaxHub Sustainable, with the first call, for VaxHub Sustainable projects, starting on 13 January 2025.

You can find out more about the VaxHub Sustainable call by visiting the VaxHub Sustainable Platform Funding page.

VaxHub Call Dates

VaxHub Call Dates

1SUSTAINABLE CALL 2025/2026 13/01/202504/04/2025JULY 2025JUNE 2026
2GLOBAL CALL 2025/202607/04/202527/06/2025OCTOBER 2025SEPTEMBER 2026
3GLOBAL UK-ONLY CALL 2026/202729/09/202519/12/2025APRIL 2026MARCH 2027
4GLOBAL CALL 2027/202706//07/202625/09/2026JANUARY 2027DECEMBER 2027
5SUSTAINABLE CALL 2028/202805/07/202724/09/2027JANUARY 2028DECEMBER 2028
6SUSTAINABLE CALL 2028/202910/01/202831/03/2028JULY 2028JUNE 2029

VaxHub Members (i.e. those who have signed the VaxHub Agreement or intend to join the VaxHub during the call period)[1] are invited to submit applications to support platform funded projects. A platform funded project could focus on testing or demonstrating research results (experimental methods, analytical techniques, etc.) generated on a VaxHub related vaccine technology (viral vectored, VLP, mRNA and conjugated vaccines). Projects must be related to VaxHub themes and could address research questions derived from prior academic study or respond to industry identified needs in the manufacture of vaccines. Projects focusing on fostering new collaborations or supporting training and upskilling objectives are also accepted.

The first call is for VaxHub Sustainable.  More information can be found by visiting the VaxHub Sustainable Platform Funding page.

[1] Please contact vaxhub@ucl to sign-up as a member to the VaxHub.


Please direct enquiries about the call to


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