VaxHub Platform Funding Project Call

Frequently Asked Questions


What opportunities are there for meeting/collaborating within the VaxHub Network?

The VaxHub Network host regular opportunities for collaborative events for VaxHub members. The next User Group meeting will take place on 8 and 9 May.

Scope and remit

Do projects need to fit one of the proposed research categories listed in the call document or is it possible to include others?

A platform funded project could focus on testing or demonstrating research results (experimental methods, analytical techniques, etc.) generated on a VaxHub related vaccine technology (viral vectored, VLP, mRNA and conjugated vaccines). Projects must be related to VaxHub themes and could address research questions derived from prior academic study or respond to industry identified needs in the manufacture of vaccines.


How many awards will be made?

Each call will fund up to 5 projects of up to £100,000 per project.

Can we pair up this award with other funding?

Our preference is that the VaxHub project is a stand-alone project and should not depend on other funding. The project must be within the Hub remit criteria and should form a complete work package.


Do you accept collaborative applications (e.g. two academics (one lead, one Co-I) and one partner organisation?

Proposals may be submitted independently by VaxHub members and/or are invited from VaxHub members working in collaboration with VaxHub partners. Prioritisation will be given to projects that can show a novel collaboration that would not otherwise be possible.

Do collaborative projects need to include a company?

No, the term ‘VaxHub members’ refers to organisations that are signed-up to the VaxHub Network, and can include research centres, governmental research organisations and companies for examples, and does therefore not refer solely to companies.
‘VaxHub partners’ refers to the academic Hub and Spoke organisations. More details about the VaxHub Sustainable academic partners can be found here and VaxHub Global partners here.

How can companies become members of the Vax-Hub?

Enquiries should be directed to The joining organisation is required to sign the Hub collaboration agreement prior to the end of the call period to be eligible to submit an application.

Can other departments within member academic institutions apply for funding as partners?

Collaboration agreements are signed on behalf of the academic institution so other departments would be permitted to submit a proposal/be a joint applicant.

Would it be the responsibility of the academic and industry partners to agree Ts and Cs between them?

The projects must be carried out under the terms of the Hub Collaboration Agreement. If partners deem a contract such as a NDA or MTA is required in addition to the Hub agreement, the partners should arrange this between themselves, with the academic institution providing the template agreement. Please contact if you believe an additional contract will be required for your proposed project.

Application Review and timeline

How will the applications be reviewed?

Application is via a three-stage process:

Each eligible proposal will be reviewed by two independent academics, neither of whom will be from any of the organisations named in that proposal. In parallel with this UCL Research and Innovation Services will undertake an enhanced due diligence review of all applicants who will directly receive project funding. A panel style meeting that includes members of the VaxHub management team will consider the stage one reviews and a ranking order will be compiled.  The relevant Hub International Advisory Board will consider the final list of projects and ratify those to which funding should be awarded.

How and when will we be notified of the outcome?

We aim to notify applicants of the outcome as soon as possible following the completion of the application process, approximately 6 weeks after the closure of the call. Lead applicants will be notified of the outcome via email and will be expected to notify other applicants in the proposal. Where requests for expenditure on equipment and/or due diligence checks are pending, awards will be made subject to the relevant approvals/criteria being met.

What is the maximum project duration?

Projects are expected to run from between 6 months to 1 year and fall within the published project timelines for each call.

Can we submit a draft proposal before the final deadline?

We do not have the resources to discuss individual drafts. However, questions can be emailed to  and we will try to provide guidance where possible.

Payment and Management of awarded funds

How will payment be made and monitored?

Subject to satisfactory checks and approvals, payment will be transferred to relevant applicants upon receipt of an invoice. Up to three applicants per proposal can receive project funds. Payment will be made in two parts, 70% of the award at the outset and the remainder following submission of the mid-term report.  The lead partner will have overall responsibility for reporting the management and oversight of the funds including any payments to other sub-contractors. All parties will need to maintain up to date financial records and confirm expenditure for audit purposes and as part of the mid-term and final reporting process.

Will the lead partner report on the use of all funds or just their part of the allocation?

The lead partner will be responsible for the overall management and oversight of project funds. This includes reporting on the use of funds from all partners via the provided budget and reporting templates.

Reporting requirements

What are the project progress reporting requirements?

Successful applicants will be required to provide updates on progress as requested and to comply with mid-term and end project reporting requirements. Applicants must participate in dissemination activities including presenting the results and outcomes of their study at a webinar for the VaxHub community.  It is acceptable if parties do not wish to disclose certain results prior to publication but they must still participate in the required dissemination activities. Reporting requirements and templates will be supplied to successful candidates.

Budget and costs

Are there any guidelines regarding the matched funding for VaxHub Sustainable?

Yes, projects are required to demonstrate a 20% contribution to the project. This is anticipated to be an in-kind contribution but must be described in the proposal. This matched funding will not be invoiced and there are no criteria, and this can include staff time and access to resources for example.

How will we be required to prove expenditure?

Each partner who receives funds will be required to maintain up to date records and evidence of expenditure for audit purposes and it will be the responsibility of the lead partner to collate this information for reporting.  A summary including a breakdown of expenditure and a letter from the Director of Finance (or equivalent) confirming the amount spent will be required at each of the two reporting points. Satisfactory reporting will be required to unlock the second instalment of funds and at the end of the project. Successful applicants will be notified of the financial reporting requirements and templates will be provided. Copies of invoices, receipts and an itemised list of expenditure should be maintained throughout the project and kept after completion to satisfy the funder audit requirements.

Is there a minimum award?

Proposals should be submitted for projects with a value of between £75,000-£100,000 (inclusive of VAT). If your project is lower than this amount then we encourage you to explore other opportunities for funding.

Can the funding be used to purchase equipment?

No equipment can be funded in proposals for VaxHub Sustainable platform funding.

For VaxHub Global calls, equipment for use in and primarily for companies based LMICs (low- and middle-income countries) only can be funded but an additional document must be obtained from the Hub and completed and submitted by the application deadline as this will need to be considered and approved by the funder before an award can be made.

How can the costs of consumables be met?

A £10,000 threshold applies to individual items. Individual items costing below the threshold are allowed up to the award ceiling. The threshold must include any VAT (where applicable) and any associated services such as installation. All costings should be at current prices including any Import Duty with no allowance for inflation. When completing the budget application sheet, items below £10,000 should be considered as “Consumables” or “Other costs” (small capital items); provision of services should be considered as “Other costs” and provision of services plus goods should be considered as “Other costs”.

The limit of up to £10,000 applies to the total value of the item, not to the value of the item once the VaxHub contribution has been taken off i.e. an item costing £12,000 in total with a £6,000 Vax-Hub contribution would fall within the £10,000 equipment threshold.

Can costs for a temporary human resource be sought under the funding?

Yes, except for new, external recruitment due to the length of time of the recruitment process. External casual/consultancy appointments would be permitted.

If existing Hub PDRAs are to work on the project, they should be named in the application.  We will need to be satisfied that their other deliverables can be met.

Is the involvement of PhD students in the project permitted? What is the maximum amount of time that they can spend on the project?

We cannot fund PhD studentships. Appointments can be made for workers on temporary contracts provided there they are available within the project start/ end dates. Applicants should check with their institution for the legal requirements and other rules for employing PhD students e.g. re Right to Work in the UK and permitted number of working hours per week.  A calculation of any costs of employing staff should be included in the budget application.

Can we use the award to fund activity after the end date if we pay in advance?

Funds cannot be used to meet the costs of an activity that will fall beyond the actual end date of the project, e.g. when travel falls after the end of the project the costs cannot be charged to the award even if the tickets, etc. can be purchased in advance.

Can you submit more than one application per call?

We would not expect that applicants could lead more than one project but applicants could be a co-applicant for multiple projects if they can demonstrate that there is available capacity to do so. Applicants should consider project timelines for each call as subsequent projects timelines may overlap.

Are there any funding differences between calls funded by VaxHub Sustainable and VaxHub Global?

Aside from the focus of the research/ funding. There are practical differences between the funding offered by each Hub:

  • Matched funding (Vaxhub Sustainable only): There is an expectation from the EPSRC, the funder, that funding will be matched by the VaxHub. As such, applicants must demonstrate a 20% contribution to the project. For example, if you request £80,000 in funding, we expect to see an additional £16,000 contribution from the applicants to the project budget.
  • Equipment
    • VaxHub Sustainable: no equipment purchases are allowable on projects funded by VaxHub Sustainable
    • VaxHub Global: Equipment for use in LMI countries only. Applications must demonstrate how the equipment will be used in the project.

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Are you interested in accessing the latest research on sustainable vaccine manufacturing, pandemic preparedness, and more equitable global vaccine development? Become a member of the VaxHub network!
